Theme sublime merge
Theme sublime merge

theme sublime merge

  • share/sublime-merge/Packages/D.sublime-package.
  • share/sublime-merge/Packages/Color Scheme - Legacy.sublime-package.
  • share/sublime-merge/Packages/Color Scheme - Default.sublime-package.
  • share/sublime-merge/Packages/Clojure.sublime-package.
  • share/sublime-merge/Packages/CSS.sublime-package.
  • share/sublime-merge/Packages/C++.sublime-package.
  • share/sublime-merge/Packages/C#.sublime-package.
  • share/sublime-merge/Packages/Binary.sublime-package.
  • share/sublime-merge/Packages/Batch File.sublime-package.
  • share/sublime-merge/Packages/AppleScript.sublime-package.
  • share/sublime-merge/Packages/ActionScript.sublime-package.
  • share/sublime-merge/Packages/ASP.sublime-package.
  • share/sublime-merge/Icon/48x48/sublime-merge.png.
  • share/sublime-merge/Icon/32x32/sublime-merge.png.
  • share/sublime-merge/Icon/256x256/sublime-merge.png.
  • share/sublime-merge/Icon/16x16/sublime-merge.png.
  • share/sublime-merge/Icon/128x128/sublime-merge.png.
  • share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/sublime-merge.png.
  • share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/sublime-merge.png.
  • share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/sublime-merge.png.
  • share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/sublime-merge.png.
  • share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/sublime-merge.png.
  • theme sublime merge

  • /usr/local/share/licenses/linux-sublime-merge-2069/SUBLIMEHQ.
  • /usr/local/share/licenses/linux-sublime-merge-2069/LICENSE.
  • /usr/local/share/licenses/linux-sublime-merge-2069/
  • WWW: SVNWeb : git : Homepage pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist Expand this list (78 items) Collapse this list. Sublime Merge wraps around theĬore Git functionality, so when you're using Sublime Merge, you're using Git. Highlighting engine used in Sublime Text. It is powered by the same performant cross-platform GUI toolkit and syntax Maintainer: Port Added: 00:06:09 Last Update: 21:58:51 Commit Hash: fb16dfe Also Listed In: linux License: SUBLIMEHQ Description: Sublime Merge is a Graphical Git Client from the creators of Sublime Text. Linux-sublime-merge Cross-platform Git client, done the Sublime Text wayĢ069 devel =0 Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. This is not a primary server, but it used for development.

    #Theme sublime merge free#

    Want a good read? Try FreeBSD Mastery: Jails (IT Mastery Book 15)įreshPorts needs to find a new hosting provide willing to take a 2U chassis and host it free of charge. As far as I know, the versions of the default color schemes from Sublime have already been modified to include those scopes (though you may still want to tweak things a bit).FreshPorts - devel/linux-sublime-merge: Cross-platform Git client, done the Sublime Text wayĪs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The last couple of builds of Merge will synthesize these if they're missing, but that may require some tweaking. Something to note is that although both programs use the same color scheme format, Merge requires some extra color scheme keys to provide the colors for the line and character changes in the diff. "color_scheme": "Monokai.sublime-color-scheme" You can also have both sets of files configured as well the default color scheme is Mariana for Merge Dark and Breakers for Merge.

    theme sublime merge

    There are three settings files that you need to create inside of your Sublime Merge User package, which you can find by using the Preferences > Browse Packages command you'll see User in there directly.Ĭommit Message - with the name of theme that you're using that is, if you're an unlicensed user, this has to be Merge, but if you're a licensed user, it can also be Merge Dark (e.g. which will be bright colored everywhere else. Note however that not all color schemes go with all themes for example it looks decidedly weird to have a dark color scheme in the diff view if you're using the Light color scheme. The downside is that currently you need to create the appropriate settings files yourself, as there are no commands to do it yet. Although you need to be a licensed user to change the Theme in Merge, you can still change the color scheme if you want to.

    Theme sublime merge